The Dialogue Arts Project

The Dialogue Arts Project (DAP) partners with organizations to create energizing training experiences around the arts that help participants communicate more effectively across lines of social identity and difference. By combining performance, participant art creation, and facilitated dialogue, DAP seeks to reinvent the current “diversity training” experience for a wide array of clients ranging from university faculty, artist collectives, teachers-in-training, student leadership groups, and employees of Fortune 500 companies and non-profit organizations.

Poets in Unexpected Places

A diverse collective of New York-based writers and arts educators, Poets in Unexpected Places (PUP) moves storytelling into unconventional spaces by staging multidisciplinary performances, featuring accomplished poets, artists, dancers, and musicians from varied backgrounds and aesthetics. Using the element of surprise, PUP seeks to disrupt the frames that confine literature to the classroom and other traditional realms, and utilize poetry as a means to curate shared experiences between strangers.